Tuesday 31 January 2012


Congrate to Fakhri Hassan..second child..new born baby girl..1.2.12..2.82kg..2:21pm labor at Al Farabi Hospital Kuantan


Pahang drag siries..Post Mortem Meeting..venue : "Wisma Belia Pahang" in front of Sri dagangan building and PapaRich cafe.Time : 8;30Pm..KDS crew, Ec Crew and Majlis Belia staff.

RESULT:- New Improvement for next drag siries

Kuantan Drag Siries 2 @ 24/3/2012..more pic and video can be view at http://www.facebook.com/groups/250427261639843/

The shirt Sponsor...with thank


Kejadian berlaku di Tmn Indrasempurna..perumahan aku ni..pomen din ni pun kawan aku..memang terkejut kejadian ni berlaku pada bengkel dia..habis kereta customer kena cat..memang hasad dengki yang punya kerja..semoga anda diberi pembalasan sewajarnya,.

Monday 30 January 2012

Easten Civico News

1:Pahang drag siri 2/ 2012..COMING SOON..loc UMP Gambang..on 10 Mac 2012.. Registration open now but limited..first came first serve.

2:ECivico are invited for LUNCH with Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

venue:Dhe Rhu resort Balok
Time :11am- 2pm
Date : 16 feb 2012 ( khamis )

Saturday 28 January 2012

Free Willy

Free willy?


today..@ 5pm..sprintest IM14 kuantan...all welcome
My size..

BOWLING KKBK 28/ 1/ 2012

28/1/2012..MEGALANES yesterday..close bowling tournament between staff "klinik kesihatan bandar kuantan..was held at Megamall Kuantan..organize by " Panel Penasihat KKBK..

1st - Team Dok sohor..with 3 import player..really not fair..( 1279 pt )
2nd -Team Jeng kreng..with 2 import player..( 1137 pt )
3rd - Team Yess sir..my team and no.. any import player ( 1060 pt )..lallalalaa

Individual point top below 3:-
no28- Sn Badariah ( 141 pt ) coz of 1 strike je...
no29- Hafizah ( 127 pt )
no30- son of Sn Oii ( 100 pt )

ANYWAY...see u all next season...